naturalist * Tracker * educator * writeR * Walker

(The LongWalker)

In my extensive experience as an educator, my unwavering commitment has been to foster a profound bond between young minds and the natural world. Central to my approach has been equipping them with vital naturalist skills and imparting ecological wisdom derived from the land. Achieving this has involved engaging them in immersive experiences centered around traditional woodlore, transformative rites of passage, and exhilarating long-distance walking adventures. Presently, my focus lies on the power of the written word and the imperative for a global dialogue that aims to guide youth beyond the confines of conventional industrial education and towards the transformative realm of higher education, inspired by the spirit of Thoreau and the call of the Earth herself.

We extend a warm welcome to this platform, an invitation to explore the myriad possibilities that I have found beneficial within the domain of youth engagement, and which our present era is beginning to rediscover. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or esteemed elder, this site aims to serve as a valuable resource for enhancing your skills and enriching your own journey of working with young individuals. If you desire genuine dialogue, please feel free to reach out to me individually or as a collective interest group. Engaging in this endeavor incurs no cost or charge, only a sincere desire to attend to the pressing needs of today. The youth yearn for connection and dedicated guidance like never before, responding to an unmistakable call from Mother Earth herself.

The West of which I speak is but another name for the Wild; and what I have been preparing to say is, that in Wildness is the preservation of the World.

Every tree sends its fibres forth in search of the Wild. The cities import it at any price. Men plough and sail for it. From the forest and wilderness come the tonics and barks which brace mankind.

Henry David Thoreau